Title : Days of Thunder
Publisher : Mindscape Group
Developer : Beam Software
Genre : Action
Players : 1 Player
Release Date : 1990
Estimated Value (as of today's date): $5-$7
You know me by now. I hate racing games. Even more than racing games, I typically hate games based on movies. So that's two strikes right there. Oh wait, want to make it a third strike? Okay, Tom Cruise annoys the hell out of me! Three Strikes! This game is already off to a good start, eh? Here we have Days of Thunder, based of course on that Cruise classic about racing in Daytona and sleeping with Nicole Kidman.
But really, this is just a plain 'ol racing game. But at least for a NES game, they've given it a new visual twist that I've never seen before.
Let's make this a quickie, shall we? You know I don't like lingering on racing games.