Title : Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Publisher : Konami
Developer : Lucas Arts
Genre : Run 'N' Gun
Players : 1 / 2 Players
Release Date : 1993
Estimated Value (as of today's date) : $25-$30
Happy Halloween you GHOULISH GAMERS! Ah, tis one of my favorite time of years, where I just sit back, relax, and play a good 'ol fashioned horror game. Of course, me and my retro gaming obsession, I always look back to the games that really made an impact on my young and tasty brain. There was one particular game that was victim to my blockbuster rental card at least twenty times. Why I rented it so many damn times, and didn't decide to buy it until it was for sale as a pre-owned at the very same store, is beyond me. I actually ended up paying for this game three times over.
But, the game was that good, and was definitely worth every penny I put into this sucker. I've still been looking for an original SNES box to go along with my loose copy. It just feels so lonely and empty without it's box. Oh, what game am I talking about? Well, if you didn't read the above information, or you somehow MISSED the giant image of the box art, I am in fact talking about one of the greatest Super Nintendo Zombie-based games.