Title : Bucky O'Hare
Publisher : Konami
Genre : Action Platformer
Players : 1 Player
Release Date : 1992
Estimated Value (as of today's date) : $40-$50
There was something about anthropomorphic, comic super heroes that was insanely addictive for a nine year old. Hell, I'm still hooked on the Ninja Turtles and I'm thirty. It doesn't matter though,I'll happily admit to my addiction any day. They're bad ass. Completely, and utterly bad ass. As you may have guessed, I made it a point to own as many comics as I could based on these heroes. My Ninja Turtle comic collection exceeds the hundreds, thanks in most part to my parents buying these "bulk" comic books at the local store, which had a slew of random comics in them. Luckily, a lot of these random comics happened to be the Ninja Turtle ones.
Then something else came in one of those bulk packages. It was Bucky O'Hare. When I first saw Bucky O'Hare, I didn't know what to expect. First off, he scared crap out of me. Secondly, bunnies didn't really do it for me. But then I started reading it, and it was like combining Star Wars and Ninja Turtles. It actually reminds me a lot of Star Fox. Same idea, technically. Anthropomorphic space fighters.
Can't go wrong, right?