Title : Castlevania
Publisher : Konami
Developer : Konami
Genre : Action Platformer
Players : 1 Player
Release Date : 1986
Estimated Value (as of today's date) : $15-$20
Okay, I admit it. I was the type of kid that could be scared quite easily. I was a victim of many ruthless pranks from my sister when I was growing up, most involving some freaky ripped off jaw mask that she used to wake me up in the middle of the night. Did I pee myself? Probably, but I like to think I kept those bed sheets dry.
There were even occasions where video games scared the crap out of me too. That's right, little pixelated monsters on 8-bit consoles frightened me. I'd like you to tell me right now that they didn't do the same to you, especially one particular game. Castlevania.