Title : Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
Publisher : Interplay
Developer : Interplay
Genre : Platformer
Players : 1 Player
Release Date : 1995
Estimated Value (as of today's date) : $30-$35
Before I even get started on my review, let me just point you in the direction of the sidebar where I have recently added a YOUTUBE button (or you can just click on the link HERE). That's right, I'm dabbling in some youtube videos now. I'll be airing my retro hauls, as well as my twitch stream live plays of retro games. Hope you enjoy...now on to the review at hand.
Have you ever gotten caught picking your nose at work, at school, or while driving in your car? Well, don't feel bad about it, because picking your nose has been glorified in a video game. I mean, what other name can you play as a bum with a five o'clock shadow who destroys his enemies by farting and flinging boogers. Why, only Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure of course!
Alright, alright. It's impossible to resist playing a game with that type of title. Especially when you're young and immature. And the box art makes it look like it was some 90's Nickelodeon cartoon. In fact, making a TV show out of this probably would have been a good idea. I could picture it as a Saturday Morning cartoon, and I wouldn't mind eating my pop-tarts while I watched this. It wouldn't gross me out. Not one bit. I eat boogers for breakfast....used to...USED TO.
You know, I never knew it was a given that eccentric millionaires have alter-egos. In this case, Snotty Ragsdale. Come on...SNOTTY RAGSDALE. Who WOULDN'T want to play a game where you play as SNOTTY RAGSDALE. They really know how to reel a kid in with idiotic names and premises. Boogers and farts galore.