Title : Cadash
Publisher : Taito
Developer : Taito
Genre : Action Platform
Players : 1-2 Player
Release Date : 1992
Estimated Value (as of today's date) : $20-$25
Dragons? Barbarians? Wizards? Demons!? DUNGEONS?! SKELETONS?! AGHHH!!! I can't contain my nerdism! It's boiling over! It's everything I want, all packaged into one epic platforming / role playing / action / adventure nerd overload! It's funny though, the first time I ever played this game was for the PS2 when they released it on some Taito Memories Volume where they included a bunch of old school Taito games. This game stood out amongst it's Taito counterparts, and I have to say a large part of it had to do with the setting and the game play.
If anything could be compared to the Legend of Zelda II : Adventures of Link, well this game could be it. I imagine it to be an homage to that game, especially since it plays so closely to it. And let's not start knocking Zelda II, I liked that game dammit.
Backtracking a little bit, let's just sit and bask in the glory that is the box art. It's freaking epic. And I don't say freaking that often (okay, maybe I do). The demon is a bit reminiscent of Tim Curry in Legend, and of course the barbarian looks like Conan, but who cares. It sucked me in like black hole.
So what exactly is a Cadash, eh? Well, apparently it's an underground demon spawning pit that is spluttering out monsters of chaos to wreck havoc upon the world a la Mordor and the Eye of Sauron. Sorry, blatant Lord of the Rings comparison, but that's what I think of when I play most role-playing styled games. Basically, the demons are pissed off because they used to once live in the happy go lucky lands above, but were banished, because they were butt ugly. Oh, and going back to the Lord of the Ring reference? The main demon in this game is called Balrog. YUP! Balrog....so, yeah...LOTR.....no doubt.